Transform your body in just 15 weeks!
Tired of countless squats and burpees not achieving the results you need? Our Ultimate Body Bootcamp is here to help! Over 15 weeks we’ll work with you one-on-one to tackle key areas of unwanted fat, cellulite and lax, loose skin using triple action CoolSculpting cryolipolysis fat freezing, ultrasound body contouring/ Cellulite reduction and Radiofrequency (RF) skin tightening technologies.

Bin the bulges, enhance your curves, tone your tummy. It's time to reveal those muscles you have been working on which are hidden behind stubborn pockets of fat, without the need of taking time off from the gym!
Our one-of-a-kind body transformation program engages the latest non-surgical fat reduction and skin tightening technologies to deliver visible results you can see and feel. Every body is different— so Katrina will work with you to develop a personalised plan that tackles your unique problem areas.

Beach-ready results in 15 weeks
● Reduction of stubborn fat pockets and bulges
● Permanent destruction of treated fat cells
● Instantly tighter, toned and smoother skin
● More defined curves for a sexier silhouette
No downtime means life goes on as usual!
Our revolutionary treatment techniques are non-surgical and non-invasive, meaning there is no post-treatment downtime, so you can get back to work and daily activities as usual. This personalised, discreet program is designed for ultimate lifestyle convenience, with results getting better and better with each passing week. Your friends will notice a difference, but they won’t be able to put their finger on it until your big reveal!

Ready to boost your body confidence and enhance your self-image?
Sign me up!
You can start anytime. Our Ultimate Body Bootcamp is ideal for women and men looking for a helping hand to reach their body goals in addition to a healthy and active lifestyle. The program consists of treatments once a week with rest weeks in between.
Call 0455 881 654 or email now to book a free consultation and let us help you achieve your #bodygoals sooner than you ever imagined!

CoolSculpting Risks and Costs

What is CoolSculpting?

CoolSculpting is the brand name for a fat-freezing method that aims to get rid of stubborn fat in certain parts of your body. The method is called cryolipolysis. The U.S. Food and Drug Adminstration approved it in 2010.

Scientists came up with the idea for cryolipolysis by studying what happens to fat during frostbite. Fat freezes at a higher temperature than skin. The cryolipolysis device cools your fat to a temperature that destroys it while leaving your skin and other tissues unharmed.

CoolSculpting Procedure

Cryolipolysis isn't surgery and doesn't use needles. The device holds the part of your body in a suction cup applicator. The device cools quickly and they stay in place for about 35 minutes to 1 hour and 15 minutes. During that time, the process destroys about 20%-25% of the fat cells in the area that's targeted.

The final results may not show up for a few months, but you may start to see some changes within a few weeks. Your immune system clears out the dead fat cells slowly over this time.

Who Is It For?

Cryolipolysis isn't a way to lose weight. Your clinican might suggest it if you've tried diet and exercise and haven't been able to get rid of certain fat bulges.

You should avoid cryolipolysis if you have:

Cryolipolysis can be used to help you kill fat cells in areas of your body such as:

CoolSculpting Risks

You can get cryolipolysis done at Body Sculpt Clinic, and you don't need to schedule recovery time afterward. It's OK to drive yourself home from the appointment.

There are a few side effects. During the process, you may feel a pulling or tugging on your skin and an intense cold. Afterward, you may feel sore, like you've been exercising. You may also swell a little.

Rarely, cryolipolysis can cause mild or moderate pain afterward. You're also at a slight risk of nerve pain.

Sometimes your skin can look less smooth afterward. Less than 1% of people who get it done have a complication called paradoxical fat hyperplasia. When this happens, the number of fat cells in the area of treatment increase instead of decrease. This is corrected with Vaser Liposuction.

CoolSculpting Effectiveness

Studies show that cryolipolysis is safe and effective. The risks are few and rare. There's no damage to your liver. Side effects are mild, too, and go away after a short time.

CoolSculpting Cost

Cryolipolysis is considered a cosmetic treatment. That means insurance or Medicare won’t cover it. 

How much you’ll pay for cryolipolysis depends on several things: 

Cryolipolysis for the arms, for example, may take only one session per arm and would cost less per session than larger areas, such as the stomach or love handles. A cycle is $650 each and arms would require one on each side. There is discount for the more cycles you have. 

CoolSculpting is a non surgical alternative to Liposuction. 

A Cool Story

The invention of CoolSculpting

When Was CoolSculpting® Invented?

In searching for a non-surgical procedure that reduces the stubborn fat deposits on your body, CoolSculpting® might have appeared in your search. There are many results and stories on CoolSculpting®, but you may be wondering about when did CoolSculpting® begin? While CoolSculpting® is still considered a new and inventive procedure, it has been in Australia over 10 years!

What is CoolSculpting®?

CoolSculpting® is a great alternative for those looking to reduce the amount of fat on their body without having to undergo surgery. It is a non-surgical, fat reduction procedure that was created by ZELTIQ using the method of Cryolipolysis. Cryolipolysis is a medical treatment that uses freezing methods to destroy fat cells.

CoolSculpting® uses the controlled application of cooling to reduce a group of fat deposits to reshape your body, or sculpt your body’s contours. CoolSculpting® is seen as a successful and safe, non-surgical alternative to liposuction. It reduces the fat in the areas you wish to be treated by on average 25%!

CoolSculpting® has the ability to treat many different areas of your body that you wish to remove any bulges of fat to create a thinner appearance. It can reshape your abdomen, “love handles”, “muffin top”, double chin, inner thighs, outer thigs, upper arms, back, “banana rolls”, and more!

Since CoolSculpting® is non-surgical and non-invasive, that means there is no downtime to your procedure! Once you’ve finished undergoing your treatment, you can return to your normal daily activities, even going to workout!

There have been over 8 million CoolSculpting® procedure performed worldwide and it has become the world’s #1 non-surgical fat reduction treatment world wide.

When Did CoolSculpting® Come Out?

ZELTIQ’s CoolSculpting® procedure was invented by Dieter Manstein from Massachusetts General Hospital and Rox Anderson from Harvard Medical School. Cryolipolysis was originally founded from the idea the kids who sucked on enough popsicles would develop dimples in their cheeks.

The CoolSculpting® device underwent clinical trials the same year (2008), and ZELTIQ was awarded an exclusive license to commercialize the technology.

CoolSculpting® was first approved by the FDA for the treatment of fat on flanks (sides) in 2010, and then approved for the stomach in 2012. ZELTIQ introduced more applicators, and a new model for the thighs was approved in 2015.

How CoolSculpting® Works

The temperature of exposure that the cooling produces causes the cell death of fat tissue, without any damage to the overlying skin or nerves in the treated area. As the cooling is applied to the specific areas of your body that you are looking to treat, the fat cells crystallize or freeze and go through apoptosis (cell death).

As the cells die, your body disposes of the fat through its natural waste process. The dead fat cells leave your body and the fat is permanently removed. Your body adjusts to the newly removed fat cells and you start to see a more sculpted you with less fat bulges and other rolls you find unappealing.

CoolSculpting® Results

The results of CoolSculpting® are proven and last as long as you take care of your body. After your initial treatment, the cells die and you can see results as early as 3 weeks after that treatment. Then, you will see the most dramatic results in 2 months, with results showing even 4 to 6 months after the first initial treatment.

Because the fat exits your body permanently, that means your results with CoolSculpting® can be permanent as long as you actively seek a better or healthier lifestyle. Like any diet, it’s important to continue eating healthy and practicing physical activity to maintain the weight you desire. With CoolSculpting®, it’s very similar. In order for your remaining fat cells to maintain their size and not expand, you need to practice a healthy lifestyle of good food and regular physical activity.

While you may require more than one treatment of CoolSculpting® to achieve your desire results, many patients have found that a routine CoolSculpting® treatment after their plan is complete helps to maintain their sculpted body. Some patients come back once or twice a year after their first treatment plan, just to keep up their healthy appearance. Like visiting the dentist for a routine cleaning, you can have the best hygiene but still need to go in for a dentist’s official clean once to twice a year. CoolSculpting® can also yield the best results with the same upkeep and maintenance.

CoolSculpting® with Body Sculpt Clinic

Here at Body Sculpt Clinic, our patients are the #1 priority when it comes to their CoolSculpting® treatments. It is your body and your goals, so we want to make sure we give you the best attention to achieve the best results possible.

We help you create a customised, unique CoolSculpting® plan that adheres to all the concerns about your body. Whether you want to treat one area or multiple, our certified CoolSculpting specialist will sit with you in your first consultation to talk about your body goals, leading you in the right direction.

Throughout your treatment and beyond, we ensure you receive the best care possible. We make you feel relaxed and comfortable in a non judgemental environment so you have the most positive experience. 

Inside The Mind Of An Innovator: How Dr. R. Rox Anderson Discovered CoolSculpting

Sponsored by Allergan/CoolSculpting | January 08, 2020

Within the cosmetic dermatology world, there are few names that garner as much respect as Dr. R. Rox Anderson. The Lancer-Endowed Chair of Dermatology, Professor of Dermatology at Harvard Medical School, and Director of Wellman Center For Photomedicine at Massachusetts General Hospital is responsible for one of the most innovated device launches over the past two decades. After all, he’s the man behind CoolSculpting, the non-surgical fat-reduction technique that transformed the way dermatologists help patients reduce stubborn fat. This is one of the many reasons why Dr. Anderson’s a recipient of the NewBeauty Innovator Award.

To further honor his achievements, we talked with his colleague, Dr. Mathew Avram about Dr. Anderson’s ah-ha moment for CoolSculpting, his enduring legacy, and what’s on the horizon in the world of cosmetic dermatology:

NewBeauty: You’ve worked with Dr. R. Rox Anderson for fourteen years, can you shed any insights on what led him to pursue a career in dermatology?

Dr. Mathew Avram: He was not always a physician, so he’s done other things in life other than being a doctor. Dr. Anderson went to MIT [where he received his Bachelor’s in Science], and then pursued a bunch of interesting things after that. One was working as a teacher, and the other was a camp director. Ultimately, he got into medicine, and I know he was deciding between ophthalmology and dermatology, eventually decided on dermatology.

NB: Can you take us back to the early days and tell us how Dr. Anderson came up with the idea for CoolSculpting?

Dr. Avram: Basically, the idea for CoolSculpting came from an article in the New England Journal of Medicine that discussed how children were losing fat in their cheeks when they were sucking on popsicles. Rox is incredibly creative, incredibly smart, and incredibly persistent and hardworking. Most of us would read an article like this and say, "Oh that's really interesting,” and then go on with our days. Whereas, Rox sees an article like that and figures out a way that it can actually benefit patients in some way — and that's exactly what happened. When he sees a solvable problem that he's interested in, he really thinks about it, he approaches it scientifically, and he's very creative, learning from all the experiments he does along the way. He’s so persistent, he ends up changing the way that we practice medicine. That's kind of the Rox way.

NB: After he read the article, what was the process developing the CoolSculpting treatment like?

Dr. Avram: From a very general standpoint, he got the idea and then they [Dr. Anderson was working with Dr. Dieter Manstein at the time] tested it to see if it worked on samples of fat. They did animal studies, and eventually human studies. I can tell you as someone who was on the advisory board, that there were times when things looked extremely promising and transformative, and then there were other times where it looked like this may not pan out. Ultimately, they were successful after a lot of work and a lot of trial and error.

NB: How was the discovery first received by the medical community?

Dr. Avram: People were skeptical about it because they thought that it seemed too good to be true. Others thought it would be safe.

That changed when doctors saw that people using it were getting good results and that patients were happy. It made them realize that this is something they wanted in their practices. CoolSculpting is a safe and effective way to reduce stubborn pockets of fat. CoolSculpting® is FDA-cleared to treat 9 different areas of the body: visible bulges under the chin and jawline areas, thighs, abdomen and flanks, along with bra fat, back fat, underneath the buttocks, and upper arms. Some common side effects include temporary numbness, discomfort, and swelling. Individual results and patient experience may vary.

NB: Since CoolSculpting’s debut, how has the approach to non-surgical fat reduction procedures changed?

Dr. Avram: There's been a real change in the way that we treat fat. Before CoolSculpting, generally speaking, the way to remove fat was invasive and surgical. CoolSculpting was a paradigm shift in that you could safely, effectively, and relatively comfortably reduce fat without cutting the skin. That was a totally new concept, and it completely changed the way we looked at fat reduction. It also changed the way patients look at cosmetic treatments, because they realized they could do something with little to no downtime during the lunch break and get real results.

NB: What discoveries are you and Dr. Anderson most excited about now?

Dr. Avram: There are several things that Rox has worked on over the last few years that I find really exciting. One is known as tissue copying. It’s when you harvest tissue from one area, in a fractional manner, so that it doesn't leave a scar, and then use that tissue to help cover an existing scar, improving its appearance. Another thing, which is currently in the FDA process is a product called Cytrellis. This is fractional tissue extraction. Rox developed all the fractional lasers, and fractional lasers keep a small, a percentage of the skin but leaves the surrounding skin untreated. What Cytrellis does is that it removes a fraction of the skin, and it takes little punch biopsies, minute ones, from all over the face and by doing hundreds and thousands of those little punches. It's like a facelift, but not quite as effective.

NB: As a colleague, how do you see Dr. Anderson’s legacy?

Dr. Avram: I see him as the most important innovator in the field of dermatology in the span of my career. He has done this for decades, he does it now, and he will continue to do so in the future by revolutionizing the way we practice medicine. And for Rox, the most important thing at the end of the day is [that what he is doing is] benefiting patients. While we talk a lot about his cosmetic advancements, he's most passionate about medical treatments that affect the lives of patients by solving their problems. He is just as innovative, just as smart, and just as hardworking now as he was when he was a whiz kid in the labs here at Mass General a few decades ago.

NB: Is there anything else readers should know about Dr. Anderson and why he’s so deserving of the Innovator Award?

Dr. Avram: I have worked side by side with Rox at the Mass General Laser Center every week, for the past fourteen years, and he is an excellent clinical dermatologist. He brings this passion for patient care and his inquisitiveness about patient problems to each patient encounter he has. He takes his time to get to know his patients, to help his patients, and to teach the future generation of dermatologists how to approach patients. For all of his amazing innovations and inventions that have transformed our field, the one thing that's overlooked is what an outstanding clinician he is, how good he is to his patients and what great care he provides to them.

Interview Credit:

The CoolSculpting® procedure is FDA-cleared for the treatment of visible fat bulges in the submental (under the chin) and submandibular (under the jawline) areas, thigh, abdomen and flank, along with bra fat, back fat, underneath the buttocks (also known as banana roll) and upper arm. It is also FDA-cleared to affect the appearance of lax tissue with submental area treatments. The CoolSculpting® procedure is not a treatment for weight loss. Important Safety Information. The CoolSculpting® procedure is not for everyone. You should not have the CoolSculpting® procedure if you suffer from cryoglobulinemia, cold agglutinin disease, or paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria. Tell your doctor if you have any medical conditions including recent surgery, pre-existing hernia, and any known sensitivities or allergies. During the procedure you may experience sensations of pulling, tugging, mild pinching, intense cold, tingling, stinging, aching, and cramping at the treatment site. These sensations subside as the area becomes numb. Following the procedure, typical side effects include temporary redness, swelling, blanching, bruising, firmness, tingling, stinging, tenderness, cramping, aching, itching, or skin sensitivity, and sensation of fullness in the back of the throat after submental or submandibular area treatment. Rare side effects may also occur. CoolSculpting® may cause a visible enlargement in the treated area which may develop two to five months after treatment and requires surgical intervention for correction. Please see full Important Safety Information for additional information.

We officially launched Body Sculpt Clinic on the 16th January 2020. It was such a fun night! Thank you to everyone who came and partied, there was such a great turnout.

There were two lucky door prizes- a $100 gift voucher won by Erina and a FREE CoolSculpting cycle won by Nate. We also had a live demo of a CoolSculpting treatment being performed on the lovely Hayley. Hayley has an amazing testimonial of long term treatment results on her arms even after gaining weight.

I think I need to start planning the next party! Who's in??

Purchase two CoolSculpting cycles and receive your third cycle FREE!

For the entire month of January, we are here to help you smash out your new resolution goals by offering this amazing special! Typically results are noticed within one month and full results at three months so by starting now your results will aline with that healthy eating and exercise plan.

Although you do not need to do a special diet or exercise to see your results with CoolSculpting, we have noticed that when the three are combined, the results are outstanding.

Call, email or txt to book your complimentary consultation today to take advantage of this special deal available for January bookings.

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